Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Well of Ascension and Hero of the Ages by Brandon Sanderson

The Well of Ascension 781 pages Paperback
The Hero of Ages 580? Paperback
Fantasy Fiction

I was so drawn in by the first book in the series. I read the last two books in the trilogy soon after. We continue to following Vin as she develops her abilities and the other members of her crew start to learn what it is really like to be in a leadership role.

I enjoy Sanderson's writing. He has a handle on making politics play its role without dragging the story because of it. He has a fantastic sense of writing a battle that is able to be visualized. Often it is hard to understand exactly what is going on in a fight, but Sanderson makes it easy. His use of a magical world that has an understandable way that it works is also intriguing.

It has a been a little bit since I have read these.

I am going with 11 out of 13 for the series. It is really good and worth any fantasy fans time, you will be drawn in and surprised.

Keep Turning Pages

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